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the Magic of Gratefulness
Gratefulness – there is another word which expresses this meaning – gratitude. In fact these mean the same, their origin is only different. The latter one comes from the Latin “gratitudo”. “Gratefulness” on the other hand comes from the Latin adjective “gratus” which means pleasing.
For our today’s discussion, though, we will use the word “gratefulness”. It can be understood even wider as “great – fullness”, where “fullness” is being full of life and full of happiness. And now we will see why and how it can be achieved by anyone who wishes to feel that way and be that way – saying simply – just happy.
You may ask what do these two concepts have in common – gratitude and happiness.
So far we have heard about meditation as a profound and great tool practiced for thousands of years, we are learning how to live in a mindful way. And now there is this new key to a happy and fulfilling life – gratefulness. This is the notion when we appreciate and notice the smallest and tiniest things being just around us which in fact make our life fuller, better, happier.
All people want to happy, everybody in his or her own absolutely individual way. And the notion of gratefulness helps to achieve the state of happiness in absolutely everybody’s life. There are a lot of people who, from our perspective have everything to be happy – money, beautiful houses, opportunities to travel and enjoy life, but very often are not. They are given a lot and are not able to appreciate it. On the other hand, people who really have suffered a lot in their lives radiate with happiness. Of course, those who are in the group of those more fortunate and wealthier may also be happy. So, what makes people happy?
- It is the ability to appreciate the small and big things we are able to find around us that we may be grateful for.
Ideally, if you are able to understand that every single moment is the opportunity to find a new chance and to find a possibility to be grateful for the new experiences. It can be just the blue sky above you, or a hint of color which you like, maybe it is red or green for you. Maybe it is a new pen or maybe a photo you have taken and you and just you and nobody else enjoy looking at, maybe the first wrinkle on you face which shows that you live and have lived so long. Maybe hardworking hands of a person struggling through life? Anything that gives your soul that spark of happiness and as the result you may be grateful for.
Ideally if you would write it down, take a quick record on your phone, computer or just a sheet of paper at the end of the day; think back on your day and make a very quick, or longer entry if you prefer, note on what you may be grateful for a the end of this day.
Just do it and wait for the magic to happen.
I have another extremely simple exercise, which I find extremely helpful. You just have to check it for yourself! Just take a comfortable position in a quiet place. Close your eyes. With every breath you take in focus on the things you are grateful for TODAY. With every breath out think on all the bad emotions and bad experiences you have had TODAY – throw them away/breathe them out. And then another breath in and another breath out. In with notions you are grateful for, out and far away with notions which made you feel bad and made your day bad. In and out. In and out. It is better now, isn’t it? Life is beautiful for you again.
Gratefulness is available to every single person, of any religion and approach to life. It is the key to live a fulfilling and happy life. You will see that It may help you more than meditation, yoga, mindfulness or anything else you take up to help you deal with life. It helps to find sense in every moment and experience in your life. Even the hardest one.
Yes, there are moments that are difficult and we cannot be grateful for them. We have to find moments which create opportunities to be grateful for.
And it brings us to the merit of patience. Patience helps to wait for the events and experience which we can be grateful for.
Many people rush through life, spend their days at work, always in a hurry. But you may find in the life happiness and gratefulness. Enough is to think about it. What moment has brought something valuable to me? What has taught me something? What makes me work hard and live for? These are just seconds to think it over and will show you the meaning of your life.
When you start appreciating small things they will show the direction and light, the beacon of your life. And remember, always find the things which only and personally you are grateful for and not what others tell you to be meaningful and good in your life. It must feel for your life and for you.
And it gives you the sense of life. You are then the one to be resourceful and generous to yourself and others.
Gratitude is easy and can be done right here and right now. Every day, even within a fracture of a second.
Please note, how much more peaceful the world, your neighborhood, your family would be if all/many/the majority of people found things to be grateful for. They would focus on these and foster these and care for these and pamper them. How much less violence there would be. That is why it is worth it to spread the concept.
You can set up a notebook into which you stick inspirational pictures taken from magazines or newspapers even, in which you draw or paint pictures by yourself, where you insert photographs, in which you just take notes and write, draft down things you and only you really appreciate – and all of which depict things you are grateful for. Many people claim that it changes the life. Quite certainly, you can do It just yourself, at home, every day or every weekend, but regularly. Maybe there are cold, winter days when you are able to enjoy your favourite tea, maybe there are gym classes when you can feel every movement of your body, maybe these are pints of beer with friends… anything that might fill you with some kind of joy. Such things change our lives and our perspective onto life!
The TED talk which changed my perspective onto the idea is the one entitled 365 Grateful Project by Hailey Bartholomew which you can find under this link:
Absolutely inspirational, you just must see it!
Our life is too short not to appreciate the simple things that surround us. And we are the only ones to shape our lives and emotions. We are the ones to spot the beautiful and valuable things which surround each and everyone of you.
I do wish you all the best with your own gratitude project.