Świat XXI wieku wymaga od ludzi nowych zestawów umiejętności i cech. Okazuje się, że stary typ uczenia, czyli zapamiętywanie i wprowadzanie ogromnych ilości informacji i wiedzy nie przekłada się na uzyskanie umiejętności koniecznych do funkcjonowania w środowisku pracy w XXI wieku. Obecnie najważniejsze z tych umiejętności to: komunikacja, kreatywność, współpraca i krytyczne myślenia. Nasz sposób kształcenia praktycznie w ogóle nie rozwijał ich, musimy więc być ich świadomi i starać się skupiać na ich wypracowaniu. Można bowiem w dużej mierze nauczyć się ich. W dzisiejszych czasach musimy być w stanie przetwarzać natłok informacji, wybierać te najważniejsze oraz, co nie jest mniej ważne, komunikować się w różnych kanałach z różnymi ludźmi pochodzącymi z różnych krajów i kultur oraz cechujących się różnymi charakterami. Musimy współpracować z nimi. Nie mniej ważne pozostaje stała i nie zmieniająca się w czasie gotowość do uczenia się nowych rzeczy. Dzięki świadomości i wiedzy na ten temat możemy pogłębiać kluczowe aspekty pozwalające pracować i dobrze funkcjonować w XXI wieku.
Koniecznie więc pobierzcie kartę pracy do dzisiejszego odcinka.
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Skills of XXI century
It is believed that in XXI century a new set of skills is needed to succeed in all areas of life – academic, educational, work and civic. In short, they are the broad skills needed to be successful in modern society.
We live in the era of 4th industrial revolution also called the Information Era. We may call it also the computer era or digital era. It means that the economy now runs mainly on information technology. In fact most of data is processed digitally. Repetitive tasks are done by computers. Our work relies more and more on information processing. What is more, companies compete with each other globally.
At our times innovative services and companies have emerged, more focus is given to customer service and dynamic changes happen daily.
This is why modern training and education should focus on the skills of XXI century. In the older and more traditional forms of learning main focus was put mainly on memorization and content learning of huge amount of information, but this huge accumulation of knowledge in the XX century approach to training does not provide skills for practical use of this knowledge in new situations, which is required in XXI century.
The new approach should value teamwork and project based teaching. Tasks like multiple choice or gap filling and simple memorization do not provide value for the skills of XXI century.
Technology is quickly changing our society. More and more is done by machines, but essential human skills are becoming increasingly important.
In such a world there have been identified the basic skills of the XXI century. First I will present the absolutely 4 core skills referred to as 4c, then we will discuss the further essential skills.
The first 4 skills are:
- Communication – nowadays human interaction takes places in ever increasing spectrum of areas and channels, when you attend meetings, talk to people you need to build good relations; sometimes you need to deal with conflict and difficulties.
- Collaboration – it allows to make use of the whole information available in the world
- Creativity – in quite an obvious way it leads to a lot of new ideas
- Critical thinking – this skill allows to be able to quickly decide if an idea is possible or illogical
So, these are the key, core and the most universal personal traits and features to be looked at at our times.
The remaining assets appreciated in XXI century are as follows:
- Problem solving capabilities – facilitate tackling unexpected problems and challenges
- Computational thinking – helps to understand the modern technology
- Information skills – let you select among the whole influx of information those most useful and necessary for your use
- Media use – ability to utilize various media forms to communicate, collect information and sell
- Leadership – readiness to lead others, to penetrate, to force your way through the reality of the whole complexity of today’s world
These skills constitute the set of abilities which let employees survive in the XXi century workplace, which is competitive and globalized.
These skills may be divided into 3 categories:
Learning skills, literacy skills and life skills.
- Learning skills are abilities to adapt to the rapidly changing world of work.
And in fact critical thinking, collaboration and communication, which constituted the first group of the essential skills are also part of learning skills. We may say then the learning skills within the digital world are the most important skills in this world. Employees have to process a lot of information, draw conclusions and first of all they need to learn.
- Literacy skills are theoretical foundations to help develop the learning skills. They help to find information and to understand information – so computational thinking, information skills and media use are part of these skills.
- Life skills are mainly personal features like flexibility and adaptability, which are greatly valued in work environment. Employees need to work fast and efficiently. They need to prioritize task, but also they need to be able to make use of their free time – relax and enjoy life.
Saying simply, currently we live in the Information Age when cloud computing, programming, mobile devices are more and more important and so people need to understand how they work. If we understand these technologies we can adapt to the world more effectively.
In fact all those skills should aim at one concept: improve our adaptability to change.