Co możesz powiedzieć o swojej pracy? Jak możesz ją określić?
Oto najpopularniejsze określenia:
- full-time
- part-time
- well-paid
- badly paid
- High powered
- Stressful
- demanding
- Challenging
- Rewarding
- Repetitive
- Glamorous
- Unsociable
- Customer facing
- Clerical
- Mundane
Jeżeli nie wiesz dokładnie lub nie masz pewności, co oznaczają, poniżej ich wyjaśnienie – spróbuj zrozumieć ich znaczenie korzystając z angielskich wyjaśnień:
- full-time – a job where you work the full working hours per week
- part-time – a job in which your work only part of the working week
- well-paid – where you earn satisfactory money
- badly paid – where you don’t earn too much money
- High powered – an important job where you have a lot of responsibilities
- Stressful – a difficult job with constant deadlines and very demanding bosses hard to satisfy
- Demanding – a job that requires a lot of your time and energy
- Challenging – a difficult job, but in an enjoyable and satisfying way
- Rewarding – the job in which you feel satisfied if you do it well
- Repetitive – when you have to do the same things every day
- Glamorous – an exciting job because it is connected with fame and success
- Unsociable – working late in the evening or at nights which makes it difficult to take care of your children or spend time with friends
- Customer facing – dealing directly with customers
- Clerical – doing ordinary activities in offices
- Mundane – very ordinary, with no interest or excitement
Więcej na temat mówienia o swojej pracy dowiesz się z odcinka #58 How to talk about work, mojego podcastu . Rozszerzona notatka do tego odcinka poszerzy Twoją wiedzę.
Listen to the episode #58 How to talk about work: